
My Story


First Gigs and
meeting the Big DJs..

First DJ Gig on 04.07.1995 in a very small underground location. I remember playing Joey Beltram 10″ Forklift. What a great rekord till this day!

Several gigs followed since then. I was also active in writing for a small undergound paper mag, internet wasnt a real thing that time. And doing Interviews with DJs. We were doing Interviews on Mayday 1995 “Great Coalition” and I got to talk with great DJs like Carl Cox, Armand van Helden, Westbam, Maruscha, DJ Misjah, Tom Wax, Steve Stoll, Dr. Motte, Ravers Nature, Rozzo, Marc Spoon to name but a few.

I did this in parallel to my studies as physicist at the University of Bremen.

BTW I started Listening to techno in 1991 since “James Brown is dead” from LA Style!


Also a Live Act…

I had my first gig on radio performing live with SCI Drumtraks and some other cheap stuff I could afford at that time.It is truely amazing what you can do with a little trashy box when you are bing creative. But hey the Drumtraks has as far as I know a Z80 in it … so more CPU power than Apollo had to land on the moon …


First large scale raves…

I started being active as a promoter in cooperation with a dear friend who laid the basefloor bricks for the local techno scene that time. Also I was performing more and more. DJs included Dr. Motte from Love Parade Berlin and DJ Misjah from X-Trax.


Defining the local sound…

I started the techno undeground party Definiton of Sound which set new directions for the local scene, which was more or less going towards a mixture of house and easy trance. I felt the need for more energy and the party was a huge success. Several followed. Also I started other club events in several clubs of the Area.

Of course I DJed on these partis because i wanted to bring a new more technoid and energetic sound.


It’s only getting bigger….

Toegether with partner I started the Bremen VISION PARK which was reuniting House and techno on5 floors and was probably the largest event of its kind in that year in Bremen. Look up my homepage in future for flyer and photos.

First lives performancesin Austria in LINZ @ Cosmotronic, which was a huge success so many gigs in Austria followed.


The vision is shaping …..

Second Vision Park and more after one friend droped out due to exhaustion I continued.

Also I got an idea for a big project which I found my dear friend Carsten Sydow to make it come true.


Vision Parade 100.000 Raving!

2002 together with Carsten Sydow and some supporting friends I created the first Vision Parade in Bremen! 100.000 Visitors attened. 30 party trucks were raving the city!

I created the Vision Parade Anthem “Live 4 Love” together with the great trance artist Accuface.

The closing rave “Vision Park 2002” was held in the city town hall the Stadthalle Bremen and had 8000 Ravers going crazy in is till this day two to three times as large as the second biggest rave.

You will find a video of my DJ Gig on this page in the future. This was in pre iPhone times and so not ,many videos around.

We had many cooperating partners like Sunshine Live Radio, VIVA TV, MC Donalds Kino News, local radio and newspapers.

Of course I DJed a Lot during this time.


Vision Parade – Eternal Peace

After Carsten left the team in good friendship I continued and the second parade peaked 130.000 visitors.

The title “Eternal Peace” was choosen against the Iraq War.

I wrote the according anthem with a church organist to get more beautiful harmonies and the coopeatrion worked great. Producer Sam Punk added the needed bass pressure. It was released on 12″ Vinyl.

Also in this year I created together with friends the party series “T-Club” starting with Talla 2XLC on the first Event. Further Guest were DERB (Kai Winter), DJ Holigan “Meet her at the Love Parade” nad others.


Vision Parade – Music Unites

There Parade was a great hit and united again 100.000 Ravers.
I had planed the closing rave in the Weser Stadium, Bremens soccer stadium and the home of Werder Bremen.
While it was a great party it did not make profits due to bad weather at the end of the Parade.

However it is the largest payed rave till this day.

The anthem released under my name was written and produced for me by Sam Punk.

I continued playing live and as DJ in this time.


Vision Parade – Electronic Culture

The Parade had somewhat below 100.000 visitors since we were under more financial constraints to advertised.
Non the less it was a great party.

The anthem released under my name was written and produced for me by Marc van Damme.

I continued playing live and as DJ in this time.


Vision Parade – Love Mission

The new goverment was giving us a hard time and so I had to sue them, which I also had to 2003. We were sucessful in court, but this time it became clear that it would not make any sence to continue with local adminstration and exploding costs.
So this was the last Vision Parade.

I continued playing live and as DJ in this time.


GLEIS 9 Club – A home
for electronic music

After the time of Vision Parade was over I created the Gleis 9 Club. It was a Club with mainly electronic music but also a lot other genre. We had mainstream, goa psytrance, r&b, techno, EDM and also parties for ethnic target group like the local African community, the Turkish community, the Polish community, the Balkan comminty, the Latino community.

I DJed in Gleis 9 on mainstream and techno partys, but due to the business side of club with all its troubles could only have only few further gigs.

Whoever I had a brought insight into many different music styles which now are coming into play….


GLEIS 9 Club – The End & Rebirth

Like all great things come to and end, when the goverment walks in. In this case they decided to tear down they building. With the p(l?)andemic on the horizon the was no chance of reopening elsewhere.

The Rebirth

With the Germany being in unheard lockdowns and wrecking the entire club culture I did what I could do best : Focus on producing music again and speaking up for freedom.

In the end the goverment idiocracy helped me to focus on what is really important: Family, friends and producing GREAT PARTY MUSIC.


Back at the Decks

Back at the decks again after Germany reopening after Coshit. And producing like crazy….. the story will continue here and the best is still to come!!!



Kolja Beckmann

Pioneering Techno, EDM, Rave since 1995!

Kolja started DJing in 1995 and has DJed in virtually every club in Bremen and around. He has also been playing live in Germany and Austria.

Today Kolja Beckmann plays still the newest tracks. "Techno, EDM have always been about pushing ahead,"

He created the Bremen Vision Parade a Techno Parade that peaked 130.000 in 2003 and also many other events..

He also created the locally famous GLEIS9 Club.

Also performaning as LIVE ACT
He also plays live using classic drummachines and modern gear.